I have had the opportunity to serve in the following teaching positions:
15.C57 Optimization Methods, MIT (Fall 2024)
Teaching assistant
Graduate-level course in optimization modeling, theory, algorithms, and applications (300 students). Led office hours, conducted recitations, graded homework assignments, projects, and the final exam.CPLN 505 Planning by Numbers, University of Pennsylvania (Spring 2023, Spring 2022)
Teaching assistant
Graduate-level course in statistical methods for urban planning applications (30 students). Led office hours, developed lecture materials and course syllabus, and graded homework assignments and final projects.ESE 210 Intro to Dynamical Systems, University of Pennsylvania (Fall 2023, Fall 2022)
Teaching assistant
Undergraduate-level course in dynamical systems theory and applications (50 students). Led office hours, exam review sessions, and graded homework assignments and exams.Teaching assistant trainer, University of Pennsylvania (Aug 2022)
Led training courses for new undergraduate teaching assistants for the School of Engineering. Developed materials and led training sessions for 30 new TAs.